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Alex Pyron

Alex is the other PI on the NSF collaborative Research Grant. We are collecting genomic and morphological data from >1,500 populations of Desmognathus representing all species distributed across the eastern United States. He brings considerable expertise with genomic, phylogenetic and comparative analyses to the project.

The Lemmon Labs

Florida State University

Emily and Alan are the directors at the FSU Center for Anchored Phylogenomics. Together they have helped the Beamer Lab collect genomic datasets for several different taxon. We have also spent some really great time in the field together over the last ~20 years.

Bryan Stuart

Bryan is the curator of herpetology at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Supported by a NSF-ROA supplement to Bryan's Laos Grant, I collected tagged amplicon sequence data for a variety of salamandrid species as well as for two-lined salamanders with a focus on populations in the North Carolina sandhills.


Van Devender

Wayne is my favorite person to go in the field with and he usually joins up with my weekend biology class trips a couple of times a year. We trade salamanders and snails several times a year and Wayne's expertise with snails is an important component of my comparative phylogenomic project of co-distributed organisms of the Eastern Deciduous Forest. Wayne is also an excellent photographer (many of the photos on this site are his work) and he has helped me document many of the specimens I have collected.

Jeff Hall

Jeff is the NCPARC biologist with the NC Wildlife Resource Commission. Over the years he has co-led many of the trips focused on sampling and calculating richness and diversity with my weekend Field Biology class. We have also collaborated on projects aimed at population status of Neuse River waterdogs and seepage salamanders. Jeff and I were labmates in Trip Lamb's lab and our families have enjoyed lots of good times together over the years.

Genomics & Microbiology Research Lab

The staff and scientists (too many to list here) at the Genomics & Microbiology Research Lab have been incredibly kind and helpful to me over the last several years. They have provided access to their lab and have visualized many of my Sanger sequence reactions on their sequencer. They have shared many of their experiences and offered numerous helpful tips. I brought students to work in their lab weekly for almost two years during the NSF-ROA tagged amplicon project which was an immensely rewarding experience.

©2021 Beamer Lab

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